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For those who are LONELY


Dr Edward Bach’s description for WATER VIOLET


For those who in health or illness like to be alone. Very quiet people, who move about without noise, speak little, and then gently. Very independent, capable and self-reliant. Almost free of the opinions of others. They are aloof, leave people alone and go their own way. Often clever and talented. Their peace and calmness is a blessing to those around them.


– The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies

WATER VIOLET is grouped in "Loneliness"

The Water Violet remedy, as identified by Dr. Edward Bach, is crafted for individuals who prefer to remain aloof and self-contained, often leading to a sense of isolation from others. Those in need of this remedy may exhibit symptoms such as a desire for solitude, a reluctance to engage in small talk, and a tendency to keep their emotions and thoughts to themselves. Emotionally, individuals requiring Water Violet may experience a deep sense of independence, but this can lead to feelings of loneliness and a lack of emotional connection with others. The mental and emotional burden associated with Water Violet creates a state of isolation, hindering the individual's ability to form meaningful connections with those around them.



Individuals who may benefit from the Water Violet remedy often exhibit symptoms of preferring solitude, being reserved, and keeping their emotions and thoughts to themselves. This can manifest as a desire for independence, a reluctance to engage in small talk, and a tendency to withdraw from social interactions. Emotionally, they may experience a deep sense of independence, but this can lead to feelings of loneliness and a lack of emotional connection with others. The mental and emotional burden associated with Water Violet creates a state of isolation, hindering the individual's ability to form meaningful connections with those around them.


Water Violet is categorized under the group of remedies known as the "Loneliness" group. This group includes remedies such as Heather and Impatiens. The remedies in this group are specifically designed for emotional states characterized by a profound sense of isolation and disconnection from others. Water Violet addresses the specific aspect of loneliness related to a preference for solitude and a reluctance to engage in social interactions.


Numerous case studies and success stories highlight the effectiveness of the Water Violet remedy in helping individuals open up to others and foster more meaningful connections. Patients who have incorporated Water Violet into their holistic well-being routines report a shift toward greater openness, improved ability to connect emotionally with others, and a more balanced approach to solitude. While individual experiences may vary, these success stories underscore the positive impact of addressing emotional states on overall mental and emotional well-being.


The Water Violet remedy is derived from the flowers of the Water Violet plant, scientifically known as Hottonia palustris. This aquatic plant is native to Europe and Asia and is characterized by delicate violet-colored flowers that float on the water's surface. The flowers are harvested to create the Water Violet remedy, which is then prepared using the Bach flower essence method.


Positive Potential: 


The positive potential of the Water Violet remedy lies in its ability to help individuals balance their desire for independence with the need for meaningful connections with others. Individuals who benefit from Water Violet may experience a shift toward greater openness, improved ability to connect emotionally with others, and a more balanced approach to solitude. This remedy supports individuals in fostering harmonious relationships by allowing them to share their thoughts and emotions while maintaining their sense of independence.

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